service & leadership
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have often been told the best way to develop real-world skills is to practice your craft. By donating my time and experience, I am able to connect what I have learned in the classroom and apply it. Often times, a project developed in the classroom does not have much impact on those around me – it is only directly related to the grade I’m trying to earn in the class. However, by working on projects bigger than myself, I am able to help the community and those organizations I’m involved in. The AECT Code of Ethics states it best, "Shall strive continually to improve professional knowledge through research and implementation of best learning and teaching practices, and shall make available to patrons and colleagues the benefit of those professional attainments through design practices, presentations, and publications." With this in mind, it is crucial as a member of the instructional design field to push not only yourself but others to serve and make a difference in the field. For instructional design related work, please see my Design & Development page.
Selected Service Experience
Public Presentations and Articles
SON Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Webinar: “Universal design: Approaches for supporting diverse learners.” (2021, February 23). Webinar. SON Office of Student Affairs & Diversity and HealthE STEPS Nursing Workforce Diversity.
This presentation was in collaboration with Justi Ecles and Dr. Glenise McKenzie from Oregon State University to support multicultural curriculum development and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives through a grant.
Password to access linked presentation available upon request.
- II Digital Tool Showcase (2021, January 28). Virtual Forum, Purdue Association of Learning Design and Technology (PALDT).
This presentation was to present and discuss different tool usage that instructional designers are faced with in the professional field. The presentation was presented by Purdue Association of Learning Design and Technology (PALDT) which is the graduate student organization for my doctoral program.
Panelists include:
Daniela (Ela) Castellanos Reyes, LDT Doctoral Student
Holly Fiock, Senior Instructional Designer, Purdue Online/Purdue University
Mohan Yang, LDT Doctoral Candidate
Creating a Community of Inquiry in Online Learning (2020, October 21). Virtual Presentation. HealthImpact.
This presentation is one of two that The Benner Institute is offering on online teaching and learning in nursing education. These webinars offer a learning science and learner-centric curriculum to increase and maintain student engagement. Each webinar begins with a theoretical framework and then gives suggestions for course design and delivery of the content.
Presenters include:
Holly Fiock, Instructional Designer, Purdue Online/Purdue University
Dr. Glenise McKenzie, PhD, RN; Oregon Health Sciences University School of Nursing
Drs. Patricia Benner, Garrett Chan, and Susan McNiesh - The Benner Institute
Preparing Instructors for an Uncertain Fall (2020, August 11). Virtual Forum. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Virtual panel discussing and examining the following:
What dedicated institutional support, including from teaching centers and instructional designers, will they need to make remote learning as effective as face-to-face instruction?
How can provosts, deans, and department chairs offer the right kind of assistance to ensure that traditional courses are not just replicated online, but redesigned?
How can colleges prepare faculty members to deliver high quality courses in a hybrid or completely remote environment?
Panelists include:
Ian Wilhelm, Assistant Managing Editor, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Holly Fiock, Instructional Designer, Purdue Online/Purdue University
Emily Magruder, Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning, California State University
Lucas Waltzer, Director, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Fiock, H. & Garcia, H. (2019, November). How to give your students better feedback with technology. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
This article is currently featured across different platforms
Garcia, H., & Fiock, H. (2019, February). Effective feedback practices. Practices that promote social presence online. In STAR Symposium. Symposium connected at the Minnesota Online Quality Initiative Conference, virtual conference.
Research Talk #1: Instructional design theory and sense making; presentation for EDTECH 698, Spring 2021
Boise State University, Boise, ID; virtual
The LDT Portfolio 2020 Presentation for PALDT (Purdue Assoc. of Learning Design & Technology), Spring 2020
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Nuts and Bolts Presentation for EDCI 660, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Instructional Designers in Higher Education presentation for EDCI 660, Fall 2019
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Transition to Teaching (TTT) Web 2.0 Technologies Workshop, Summer 2018
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Conducted a workshop where I presented and discussed the role of technology in the classroom (partnering tools).
Audience were individuals who are career-changers looking to transition to a new career as K12 classroom teachers.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Web 2.0 Technologies Workshop, Summer 2015 & 2016
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Conducted a workshop review and presented a new outline for the CTE Program’s Workshop for in-service teachers working towards Ph.D. and Master’s Degrees
Provided a workshop for in-service teachers demonstrating Web 2.0 technologies, implementing technologies into a course curriculum, and best practices
Selected Leadership Experience
Spring 2021 - AECT GSA Member working on Bi-Annual AECT GSA Newsletter
Vice President of Professional Development: Purdue Association of Learning Design & Technology (PALDT); August 2021-May 2022
Graduate Student Representative of College of Education Safety Committee; August 2019- current
Treasurer: Purdue Association of Learning Design & Technology (PALDT); August 2014- May 2015
Professional Organizations
AECT Member; 2010 - current
AECT Gradute Student Assembly (GSA) Representative for Division of Distance Learning (DDL): 2021-22
Featured Work
Fiock, Holly. (December, 2020). Leveraging Learner And Course Evaluation Data. eLearning Industry.
Fiock, Holly. (March, 2018). 7 Keys for Successfully Updating Online Courses. eLearning Industry.
Fiock, Holly. (December, 2016). 25+ Examples of Responsive E-Learning Courses Built in Rise #153. E-Learning Heroes, Articulate Global, Inc.
Consulting Work
Online program management consulting, Curriculum and Instruction Online Master's degree
2020 Thumbs Up; Purdue University
2018 Bravo Award; Purdue University
2018 Excellence in Digital Education: Innovative Course Design and Use of Technology Award
2014 Purdue University Rose Award
2013-2014 Outstanding Service Award for the College of Education
External Review
2018 BAA Grant Reviewer: Reading and scoring DoDEA Grant applications