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doctoral program & goals

visions and insights contributing to the field of instructional design

my professional planning goals

EDCI 52001

In this orientation, students will explore what online learning entails and reflect on how they can best set themselves up to succeed in their studies. They will also learn about various learning strategies and online resources that they can utilize in your courses. 

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Taught: Fall 2020 - ongoing

Lead Instructor - Fall 2021 - ongoing

EDCI 59100

In this orientation, students will explore what online learning entails and reflect on how they can best set themselves up to succeed in their studies. They will also learn about various learning strategies and online resources that they can utilize in your courses. 

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Taught: Fall 2018 - Summer 2020

EDCI 66000

This course will primarily focus on the further earning of badges as part of meeting required program competencies. Students will further explore the purpose and process behind this. Additional resources and activities regarding a better understanding of the profession and students'
potential trajectory towards participating in it will also be available.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Taught: Summer 2017-Spring 2018

EDCI 66000

This course will primarily focus on the further earning of badges as part of meeting required program competencies. Students will further explore the purpose and process behind this. Additional resources and activities regarding a better understanding of the profession and students'potential trajectory towards participating in it will also be available.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Volunteer Teaching Assistant

Spring 2017

Projects & Goals

Want More?

2021-22 Goals

My goal is to expand my knowledge of research in terms of the following:​

  • Prepare for and discuss prelims.

  • Explore academic and research relationships within Purdue Online. 

  • Focus on and go through the IRB process

Current Projects

Scholarly Discussion & Reflection

Reflection: In 2021, I was able to accomplish a lot of my goals – most of which focused on publication and getting papers to the final stage. I’m most proud of the collaborative work and triumphs of a group project that was finalized in 2020, but in 2021 received an AECT award for “Outstanding Research and Theory Division – Sponsored Accepted Student Proposal.” Not only was this project a labor of love, but it is also truly a piece of work that I feel will impact the field of instructional design in terms of how theory is taught in graduate level courses. Our study provides insights into how students learn and process the role of theory in instructional design.  


Second, I was able to step outside my comfort zone and reach out to another scholar in the field (outside of Purdue University) who was willing to take me on, albeit as free labor, to a research project. They accepted me and helped provide me with a different research experience than I was used to (different process, new focuses, unique collaborators, etc.). This experience led me to understand the importance of taking risks, asking for guidance, putting yourself out there. Which leads me to my goals for 2021-22. 


Goals:  While I feel comfortable conducting and doing research, I want to explore the role of leadership – both within the academic field but the professional field as well. My goal for my internship (fall 2021) is to explore those in leadership positions at higher educational institutions. Especially with the response to Covid-19, a lot of universities are exploring the role of remote work and online leadership practices. While I have these experiences in terms of working with adjunct faculty, I do lack skills in terms of leading an instructional design team remotely and from a higher educational administration point of view. Academically, I plan to serve student organizations. First, I’ll serve as the GSA Representative for the Division of Distance Learning (DDL) for AECT. Second, I’ve been selected as the Vice President of Professional Development for the Purdue Association of Learning Design and Technology. 


Overall, my goals for this academic year have a theme around “Leadership” and “Service.” Areas where I feel I have minimally participated in the past, now become the focus of my next year. With these goals, I hope to not only provide myself with the skills needed (and may be lacking) but provide and be a mentor to new doctoral students – helping them to become the best versions of themselves.




My academic family

From left to right: Dr. Jennifer Richardson (faculty advisor & friend, Purdue University), Dr. Karen Swan (academic 'grandma,' University of Illinois, Springfield), and me while in Ireland at the Global Learn Conference 2016. 

Dr. Richardson's Crew_1.jpeg


Dr. Richardson's Advisees

From left to right: Dr. Tadd Farmer, me, Dr. Jennifer Richardson, Qian Xu, Mohammad Shams Duha, Shivani Ramoutar, and Marquetta Strait. 

EDCI 62700

This course focuses on the application of project management ideas, concepts, and strategies in instructional design settings. Students will be asked to consider the relationship between instructional design and project management, tools that can assist with managing instructional design projects, and factors influencing the instructional design project management process. Students will explore these topics by creating deliverables for instructional design cases and other interactive assignments.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Volunteer Teaching Assistant

Spring 2017

EDCI 53100

This course has been designed to help you learn how theories of human learning and motivation, can be applied to the instructional process in order to make the process more effective, efficient, and/or appealing. The focus of the course throughout the semester will be on two areas: 1) the theoretical
principles that have contributed to the field of Instructional Design (ID), and 2) how those principles can be applied within practical settings. 

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Volunteer Teaching Assistant

Spring 2017

© 2024 by Holly Fiock Brown

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